Monday, February 22, 2010

Does a hair relaxer burn if you went swimming in chlorine two days before?

A hair relaxer is a chemical that staightens your hair.Does a hair relaxer burn if you went swimming in chlorine two days before?
it shouldn't if it was shampooed after the chlorine.


no brushing or combing before relaxer

no exercise before a relaxer

no scratching before a relaxer

no pulling on the hair before a relaxer

no heat before a relaxer

you should be given a place in the salon to cool down before the relaxer is done. heat will make it process faster than normal and if it's been a while since your last one then you can end up with a band of unstraightened hair around your head. eewwy , yucky.Does a hair relaxer burn if you went swimming in chlorine two days before?
You should wash your hair with regular shampoo and wait at least a week before putting a perm on!
Make sure you base your scalp, prior to.
It shouldn't. My guess is that the chemical was processed too long.

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