Monday, February 22, 2010

What is the best product to base your scalp before hair relaxer?

and please tell me into how many sections do u divide your hair and do u have to base the whole scalp, i think it is hard to do it entirely this is my very first time and iam confused .

thanks in advance for the tipsWhat is the best product to base your scalp before hair relaxer?
FIRST OFF, make sure you don't have any cuts or abrasions on your scalp, because nothing is going to stop cuts or abrasions from burning first off until they heal!! I just relaxed my hair this past weekend, and the kit that I used had a protective scalp gel that came with it. So if you are buying a kit, you should see if they provide it already for you in the package.. If not, then I suggest you put some vasaline/petroleum jelly on your scalp. Now depending on relaxer, some allow you to get close enough to the scalp where it won't burn at all...and some relaxers you are advised to NOT put it about 1/4 inch close to your first find out and then from there, you could just apply the vaseline/petroleum jelly where needed. If I were you, I would just put it on my forehead, on my scalp, on my neck, behind my ears, all over the hairline.. anywhere I could where there is skin! and most people tend to not think about this..but make sure you wear gloves when applying relaxers.. some people don't think about it but it can burn up under the nails and what not.

Doing it yourself is really easy, importantly just follow the directions!!.. read it before so you know ahead of time and have everything set up in order so it is not scattered all over the place. I did my relaxer myself and I love it now and saved myself so much money.What is the best product to base your scalp before hair relaxer?
umm just put some protective petroleum on it

and im pretty sure its 4 sections like a cross

and i just got my hair relaxed for the first time today :D

^shake your bon-bon^

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