Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is it possible to add cornstarch to lye and mix with tap water to make a hair relaxer?

about 6 scoops of lye

1/2 kl. of cornstarch

more or less 1 gal. of tap waterIs it possible to add cornstarch to lye and mix with tap water to make a hair relaxer?
I wouldn't try this at home; lye is a very dangerous chemical; it causes chemical burns, can basically melt your skin off. (Ever see the movie Fight Club?) So unless you are an expert, go to a salon or buy a lye or non lye relaxer from a beauty supply store.Is it possible to add cornstarch to lye and mix with tap water to make a hair relaxer?
No,go have it done, it's one of the most difficult chemical

jobs there is, you can burn your hair off your head.

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